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George Washington

Published on Nov 25, 2015

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Background information:
Washington was born on February 22, 1732 in Virginia, he spent most of his childhood time on Ferry Farm. When he was 11 years old his father Augustine Washington past away delaying George's decision of crossing the Atlantic to go to England's Appleby School. Instead he received many tutors and got elementary education. At the age of 17 George got a well-paid job as official surveyor of Culpeper County, the. Later got recruited by the new lieutenant governor of Virginia and this where he began.

Claim: Historians have the right put George Washington as the greatest president in United States history.

George Washington had an abundance of leadership throughout his years in service. Washington had fought in many battles that were won because of Washington's outstanding leadership. Washington went through a time where they were hopeless, they had no desire to go on to fight but Washington believed in them and urged them to keep on fighting. Washington was a man that believed in all of his men, he believed they could win this war if they push harder. So one day where Washington knew he had to win to get his men back on their feet was the day of Christmas. He used his outstanding war tactics to catch the Hessian who were fighting for the British off guard after a day of celebration. They captured and killed more than 900 hessian and got the supplies his men needed but most importantly Washington knew he gained his men back.

George Washington was greatly respected by the people. Washington put out a tax on all whiskey, which angered people but mostly the farmers. The farmers of west Philadelphia began to protest against taxing against the whiskey with attack one of the tax collectors. They tar and feathered the tax collector and took his horse. Washington heard of this and wanted to put a stop this, so he sent off to west Philadelphia with 13,000 troops. Once the farmers saw Washington they already stood down out of respect of Washington. Washington knew his government was in control of the people and he had the power to enforce laws. Washington knew that he needed to control the people but, he wanted to do it without violence with his people

Washington always thought of the future for the United States and made up many things for the government such as the Cabinets. Washington with the help of congress created the cabinet A.K.A "Washington's cabinets". The cabinet is a set of appointed officers of the executive branch that is selected by the president. They basically help the president keep things organized. In this case Washington chose Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton, and Secretary of War Henry Knox. The government still uses this method of helping the president. Also, not only did George create things to help the government, he had a real good understanding of the government and where it's flaws were. When he said that two terms is enough, before he left he made a statement saying that the political differences will weaken the nation if they don't become more unified

From what i think Washington will always be the best president because of his great leadership, his dedication, the respect he got from his people of America in return for what he's done for the country, and his future plans for the country which laid down the foundation of how America is today.