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Year in Grade 4/5

Published on Nov 30, 2015

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Year in Grade 4/5

Power Of Language

  • In this unit I learned about writing Memoirs
  • About the expression and feelings of people writing 
  • Writing a humongous book about different people memoirs
  • Being on the assembly for the first time when I was a grade 5
  • Getting to know people in the class
In this unit it about how to write memoirs, getting to know people and their memories. I kind of like this because you get to express your feeling and memories to the crowd and it also help you and remind people to remember the things they did in the past.

Government Systems

  • This unit talks about different types of government around the world
  • Such as Communist, Monarch, Dictator, Anarchy and Democratic 
  • How different leader lead it people and how they care of the country 
  • How each leader help
  • The key concepts that provides us question for the unit
This systems was really enjoyable because it shows us different centers and how each government or leader leads it country. One of them was dictatorship and the teacher that was acting was Ms. Melinda. This center was a pain in the butt because the dictator is strict and also she forced us to do something that we don't wanted to. I think this government is trying to teach us how to lead a country.

Body Systems

  • This unit talk about different body systems and body parts
  • The systems are respiratory system, Lymphatic system and etc
  • The body parts are lungs, kidneys, brain, eyes, muscle and etc
  • How to sort each parts into each system 
  • Mr. Jon made a document that help us research
I really like this unit because it talked about how different body systems help and communicate other systems. I think this unit is trying to help people to take care of their bodies part, and especially think before you eat something or do something that will affect you and your body.


  • Migration is about moving from one place to another
  • We went to different places such as hokkien temple and the french outpost
  • Animals and people always migrate 
  • Each of them have their own reason to do this
  • Mostly people migrate with plane, train, ship, bus and more.
This unit talked about how animals and people move from one place to another. Each animals or people have different reason to move such as marriage, education, give birth, escaping from war and more.
There were some fields trip such as the Chinese hokkien temple, french outpost and the police station.

Materials World

  • There are many materials such as wood and etc
  • Each materials have their own properties to do make it shape
  • Properties of materials are ruff, soft and etc.
  • Mr. Jon let us choose what materials and I chose diamond
  • We went to secondary to research more about materials
This unit talked about different materials and how it helps people to survive. Wood: Building furniture, give out free food and fruits, for paper and etc. Many materials give out different things like coal help us to cook.
I enjoy this unit because we get to make a mind map for our summative and we had a field trip to secondary.


  • The exhibition help us to understand and to know the world 
  • My issue was deforestation 1
  • My Action was to raise awareness to the PYR1
  • My Summative focus on all the key concepts
  • The exhibition gave children oppurtunities to make a difference
This unit was only for grade 5 because we're moving to secondary next year and the grade 4 was focusing on peace and conflict. The exhibition gave us a chance to pick our issue to help the world. My issue was deforestation and my partner was Norith. My group have information in many key concepts such as form and etc. We also had guest speaker such as Mr. Albert Weinmann and Ms. Karen Nielsen. Our action plan was to raise awareness and at the end we present it to parent and the whole school.


  • This unit was a mini unit to guide when we are a teenager
  • This unit let us research in brain pop to find information
  • Puberty happen to girl first and then boys
  • Each student had a book to read at home about it 

Subjects in the school

Computer Lab

  • In the computer lab we had fun using our email and research
  • We make presentation 
  • Watching brain pop to bring awareness 
  • Write on blogger
  • Using Computer 


  • Played on recorders
  • Played on instrument
  • Singing
  • Playing games and dancing most of the time


  • Finding books
  • The marvel encyclopedia was awesome and have lots of information
  • Great authors
  • Different subjects was fun
  • Most of the pages have lots of details


  • Painting pictures and making models
  • Doing instruction and awesome and creative summative 
  • Chatterbox was fun
  • exhibition artwork was fantastic
  • Tools are creative

PE and Swimming

  • Laps of swimming 
  • Dodgeball, Football, Basketball and etc
  • different types of sports
  • teamwork is the best than all the rest