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Reptiles Facts

Published on Jun 01, 2016

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Reptiles Facts

5 amazing things everyone should know

Which reptiles roar?

Croc­o­diles have vocal cords in the larynx and are the only reptiles able to produce guttural roars.

More information:
Which reptiles roar?
Photo by Leo Reynolds

For what main reason do chameleons change color?
As a social signal to othe chameleon­s. Color change in chameleons has various func­tion­s, de­pend­ing on the species, but the most common is social sig­nal­ing. Only few species, such as Smith's dwarf chameleon, also adjust their colors for cam­ou­flage.

What it is an au­to­to­my?
Self am­pu­ta­tion (e.g. of a tail). Autotomy (from the Greek auto- "self-" and tome "sev­er­ing") or self am­pu­ta­tion is the be­hav­iour whereby an animal sheds or discards one or more of its own ap­pendages, usually as a self­-de­fense mech­a­nism to elude a preda­tor's grasp or to distract the predator and thereby allow escape. The lost body part may be re­gen­er­at­ed later.

More information:
What is autotomy?

Which sea turtles are the deepest divers?
Leatherback turtles are one of the deepest diving marine animals. In­di­vid­u­als have been recorded diving to depths as great as 1,280 meters (4,200 ft). Such depths are un­reach­able for turtles with hard shells, as these would have been crushed by the pres­sure.

Photo by DavidMB2006

What animal is that?
Croc­o­dile. When the crocodile's mouth is closed, the large fourth tooth in the lower jaw fits into a con­stric­tion in the upper jaw. For hard-­to-dis­tin­guish spec­i­men­s, the pro­trud­ing tooth is the most reliable feature to define a species

More information:
How to recognize a crocodile?

More interesting facts about reptiles:
Reptiles facts at globalquiz.org
Photo by T. Zumbiehl