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Sustainable Agrictulture

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Sustainable Agrictulture

By Aidan Kilfoil
Photo by cindy47452

farmers are using tools which aid them in producing the best possible product in the most efficient manner. “This system, with its reliance on monoculture, mechanization, chemical pesticides and fertilizers, biotechnology, and government subsidies, has made food abundant and affordable”

Farmers have been selecting the most productive crops for as long as agriculture has been around for yield purposes but it never really took a big step until this century.

In 1976 agricultural researchers at the University of Washington discovered a DNA molecule called a plasmid which can insert itself into the nucleus of a plant cell and will cause tumours, which in fact is a natural form of gene splicing . Together with the help of Monsanto (mass seed producer in the USA) the University of Washington discovered how to remove the gene which causes tumours from the plasmid and insert a beneficial gene

Photo by newagecrap

Another factor of sustainable agriculture is fertilization and pesticide use. Most modern farmers would not grow a crop without the use of fertilizer and pesticides, with the exception of organic growers.

Photo by swisscan

some North American farmers practice polyculture instead of monoculture like the majority of the north american farmers

Photo by Mostly Dans

Monoculture is the practice of planting a crop on the same land year after year without allowing the nutrients to regenerate naturally. In this case, farmers would then spread fertilizer on their crops to regenerate the nutrients.

Photo by Nicholas_T

Polyculture is when a farmer rotates his crops from one field to another and lets the nutrients regenerate. There are many many benefits to polyculture for example it increases biodiversity and microorganisms . It also makes a huge difference in the amount of fertilizer that a farmer may use. Polyculture farmers will usually plough the field year after year which helps with the erosion problem and the soil will absorb water and let it run off easier.

Photo by ...-Wink-...

The impact of technology on agriculture is massive. Agriculture has advanced from basic seeds and certain areas to the most advanced plants ever which can be grown in varying soils and climates.

Photo by Hindrik S