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Contemporary World

Published on Mar 16, 2016

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Contemporary World

By: Erin Dempsey

Western European Defiance and the European Community

Charles de Gaulle was a French soldier during World War I and became president of the Fifth Republic from 1959 to 1969. His term of presidency was full of worker/student uprisings, and he responded to these acts of rebellion with an appeal for civil order. He was in favor of independent policies, as he focused on disengaging from the NATO and develop as an independent nuclear power. This lead to the formation of the force de frappe, which was the French nuclear strike force.

Charles de Gaulle was a French soldier during World War I and became president of the Fifth Republic from 1959 to 1969. His term of presidency was full of worker/student uprisings, and he responded to these acts of rebellion with an appeal for civil order. He was in favor of independent policies, as he focused on disengaging from the NATO and develop as an independent nuclear power. This lead to the formation of the force de frappe, which was the French nuclear strike force.

The Treaty of Rome was the founding treaty of the European Economic Community (the EEC), which later turned into the EU. This treaty primarily concerned both economic cooperation and political aspirations for unifying all of Europe and eliminating the divisions across Europe.

Eastern Europe relations (Soviet Union) weakened and became one of hostility. Through the Cold War, the US strengthened their relationship with parts of Western Europe. Because of the tension between capitalism and communism, the relation between the U.S. and Eastern Europe was tarnished.

Eastern Europe

Josip Broz, also known as Marshall Tito, ruled Yugoslavia with an iron fist and asserted his nation’s independence. He held a large resistance to the Soviet control that led to a split with Joseph Stalin. Tito pursued an independent course regarding foreign affairs that consisted of maintaining good relations with Eastern European Communist states.

Khrushchev made many de-Stalinization efforts when he came to power in order to end the rule of terror. The Russian society was greatly impacted as many paintings of Stalin were removed, institutions were renamed, and many prisoners were released. In addition, the government because less strict.

Since the Hungarian uprising in 1956 was a significant threat to the power of the Soviet Union, Soviet leaders acted swiftly and harshly. The Hungarian uprising consisted of an anti-Soviet nationalist democracy revolutionary government that wanted to withdraw from the Warsaw Pact and gain neutrality. Soviet forces invaded Budapest in 1956 and disposed of the revolutionaries and placed a leader submissive to the USSR’s regime.

Chinese­-Soviet Rift

China and the Soviet Union were brought close together due to the fact that both of these countries were strong supporters of communism, and were strongly anti-United States. This was the major driving factor that led to their alliances. Another factor was Russia's large global presence around the world.

China and the Soviet Union were brought close together due to the fact that both of these countries were strong supporters of communism, and were strongly anti-United States. This was the major driving factor that led to their alliances. Another factor was Russia's large global presence around the world.

From the Chinese perspective, the Soviet Union's aid programs were too far modest, and had too many strings attached. The Soviets demanded for too many territorial concessions which was very analogous to that of the British reign of China.

They both China and the Soviets tried to influence Africa and Asia during the Cold War Period by openly influencing in the nations that just recently gained independence, so that they were open to the kind of things presented.