With the burning of the books in The Book Thief and then the burning of the books in The Treasure Box. In The Book Thief and The Treasure Box the Nazis burn all the books.
In The Book Thief they get bombed and 90% of the books were burnt. In The Treasure Box nearly all the fragile books were burnt.
I can connect to the world and myself because a couple of years ago my Nanna was in a fire and all of her books were burnt except for one and she gave that one that survived to me. I'm sure this has happened to other people in the world as well.
In The Treasure Box they have to huddle their fragile bodies into little balls to keep them warm on the street. In the world you see homeless huddling up just like in The Treasure Box.
When the Nazis burn the books. This happens a lot in everyday lives with terrible bush and home fires.
The feel of the charred paper crunching as you cup them in your hand is like when water drops fall and you see young children cupping their hands to try and catch the water but it goes straight through.
I can connect to myself when the enemy calls all the absent people out of their houses it feels like when I'm running late and everyone is in the car and everyone is calling out 'Ella, Ella, Ella.
When Peter's arms ache it's like when I'm holding something really heavy and I just feel like dropping what I'm holding.