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Published on Dec 03, 2015

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Photo by publik16

Terrorism is any event with multiple explosive devices and use it for violence

Photo by JeepersMedia


The French government was the first to use terrorism. They used it to scare or get into enemies walls. Any event with multiple explosive devices is a act of terror.

Terrorist attacks and attempted attacks in the USA have become less since 1970s. There has been 2,608 total attacks. There was 226 fatal attacks in the USA.

Photo by HooLengSiong


Law enforcement officials appear to be getting better at thwarting terrorist terrorist attacks.
9/11 was the most fatal terrorist attack. About every state has been hit by some form of terrorist attack since the 1970s.

Photo by theqspeaks


Pennsylvania had the second most lethal terrorist attack in the world. Since the Oklahoma City bombing a greater portion of terrorist attacks have been carried out by individuals. Between 2001-2011, the number of terrorist attacks have been less frequent.

Photo by eschipul


California had the most attacks which is 574 and 61 deaths. The al-qa Ida had the least bombings but the most fatalities. Bombing have long been the tactic of choice for terrorists in the United States.

Photo by Leo Reynolds

Whose is being impacted the most

The people are being the most impacted for terrorism

What is being done to prevent this issue

There is more security around the world

Photo by Will Montague

Untitled Slide

Photo by TC Morgan


BradPlumer.Facts about terrorism.April 16,2013. The Washington post. Washingtonpost.com.April 16,2013