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Final - How to Write Personal Narrative

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How to write Personal Narrative

A story about you, but not really.
Photo by MattusB

Three things must happen for a "story" to become a
"personal narrative"

Photo by Thomas Hawk

Three Parts to Narrative:

  • A detailed, true story about YOU
  • A universal "Theme" - This answers the question "so what?"
  • Show. Don't tell.


Decide what stories you have to tell.

This is Elisha.

Photo by stevendepolo

What is Elisha's narrative?

Photo by stevendepolo

Do This

Brainstorm a list of story ideas with a partner
Photo by trozbo

Choose the one that fits the three criteria.
Choose the one that you want to tell.


Write. Just write and write and write.
Photo by Damian Gadal


More than that. Keep going.
Photo by kpwerker

Is This about right?

No... Not quite...
Photo by itselea

How about that?

Ok... you can stop now.
Photo by Klaus M

Why do I have to write sooooo much?

Photo by frankieleon

To Figure Out:

  • What your story is
  • What the "so what" is
  • And to "get rolling"
Photo by czoper

BE QUIET!!!!!!

But mostly, to tell that editor/critic inside you to
Photo by mikebaird

Do This

Start writing. Don't Stop. Keep Going.

"I'm Aniah. I am happy because my family adopted a dog. Her name is Jessie and she is so cute!"

This does not show us Jessie. it is "telling."

Photo by Marc Wathieu


Make a picture with words. 
Photo by the-specious

Petco was packed that Saturday. People scribbled their names on forms. Dogs barked inside their little corrals and peed on the floor. The volunteers ran around, picking up one dog after another and handing them into the arms of smiling couples and kids.

Dad told us to take a good look and don't just pick the first one we see. They were ALL cute, crawling over each other and standing on their hind legs for an ear scratch.

I reached in to say hello to a medium,
short-haired, black-and-white dog with velvety ears.
Her whole body shivered, but she sniffed my hand.
I scratched her chin and she turned her head and began to lick my fingers.
It tickled so much it surprised me. I laughed.
She licked even harder with her gritty cold tongue,
then looked up at me with her brown eyes.
I was in love.

Do This

Work with a partner to shift some of your Tell to Show.
Photo by anyjazz65

"So What"

Your Narrative is "meaningless"... until YOU give it meaning.
Photo by push 1

Bad news.

No one cares much about your dog story.

This is true. Unless...

It Matters

"The Lick Heard 'Round the World"
Photo by publicenergy

Do This

Answer: What does this story mean to my reader?
Photo by Fran Simó