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Mass shootings are happening more frequently every year and we need to do something about it. Guns are far too easy to buy that's why we need to put tighter restrictions on them, some ideas are putting an age limit on them, doing background checks, and having “Red Flag” laws.
I strongly urge you to protect kids not guns by educating others on the devastating impact of guns on children.

My answer to this is red flag laws. What are red flag laws you may ask, well red flag laws are state laws that allow courts to issue specific types of protection orders. This allows the police to temporarily confiscate firearms from people who are deemed by a judge to be a danger to themselves or others.

Red Flag laws are useful but not a lot of states have them. According to the New York Times at least 17 states now have approved some version of red flag laws. With your help we can get more states to approve these such laws.

A 2016 published study about gun removals under Connecticut's red flag laws. In this study they determined that one out of every eleven gun seizures averted a suicide. In 2018 a similar study was conducted in Indiana with their red flag laws. In their study they saw a 7.5% reduction in firearm suicides. Now this is not a big number, however it's definitely an improvement from years previous.

Now some people who oppose red flag laws say that it violates my second amendment rights or the police are just going to abuse it. Well these people are wrong and here’s why, firearm removal does not violate their second amendment rights, therefore it does not restrict the right of law-abiding, responsible citizens to use firearms in responsible ways. Another thing is that police are not allowed to seize guns from people if a judge has given them the specific order to do so.

. Red flag laws are needed now more than ever. Without them the United States would fall into despair. I would strongly suggest that you protect children and not guns by educating others on the devastating effects it has on kids because it will better shape their future