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Stella by Starlight

Published on Jan 20, 2016

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Stella by Starlight

Photo by Fon-tina


Flower (Noun)
A herbaceous plant or small shrub.

The Geraniums were sitting next to the window with the purple gleaming in the sunlight.

"Why didn't you water the geraniums" Mom said, "They need to stay alive for the entire summer".
Photo by Al_HikesAZ


quiet (adjective)
Quiet and reduced.

The kids became subdued when the librarian told them to shut there mouths.

"During the test I want your voices to be subdued" shouted the teacher.


serious (Adjective)
Doing something with seriousness and with a sense of formality.

The woman solemnly walked away when she found out she lost her phone.

"During the funeral everybody solemnly remembered the friend they lost".


jealous (Verb)
To be jealous and angry of something else.

The woman was envied when she saw her friend had the shoes she wanted.

"Why is your face so red" Mom said. "I really envied that sweater my friend got", replied Mark.
Photo by Quasic


Disappointment (noun)
Disappointed and angry.

The boy was resentment when he saw that his mom bought a toy for his brother but not him.

"You should have been more careful", Dad said. "I have such resentment of you".
Photo by Oberazzi


Shadow (noun)
A shadow or reflection of light onto something.

I could see someone's silhouette in the window.

"In the middle of the movie someone's silhouette was on the screen, what a distraction"!


bad feeling (noun)
Having a bad feeling or being afraid or what happens next.

During the horror movie I was foreboding what was going to happen next.

" Did you hear about the robbery."It makes me very foreboding".


Well mannered (adjective)
Being pleasant and well mannered.

The old man amiably sat in his chair waiting for the bus to come.

"See that boy!" said mom. "He sits amiably in his chair making no noise"!
Photo by Ed Yourdon


a red color (adjective)
A fresh red color.

The jacket that my brother just got had a very ruddy color.

"Do you see their teams jerseys" said Bob, "They are a very ruddy red"!


Respect (adjective)
Giving special attention and respect to people, chivalrous.

The knight is gallant because of the chivalry code.

"He was so gallant", said Shelly, "He held the door open for me"!
Photo by Mike65444