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judiaism and the hebrew nation

Published on Sep 28, 2016

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judiaism and the hebrew nation

By:Dylan Kelly

mosses was put in a basket in water and found by the pharaohs daughter

Mosess killed an egyptian and led out the hebrew slaves and parted the red sea

Photo by amboo who?

abraham is the father of the hebrews

Photo by strftime

abraham got to live in cannan the promise land

solomon was a wise king

Photo by eltpics

david killed a giant with a slingshot

Photo by craig1black

david was an outlaw for treason


 Abraham, the founding father of the Jewish nation
Photo by pedrosimoes7


 David was a former outlaw who became king after the death of Saul
Photo by TheRevSteve


 Solomon was the wisest of all men, built the Temple in Jerusalem
Photo by betta design