"When it happens online, there's no one to filter it," she says. And cyberbullies don't witness their victims' reactions, the way they might if they insulted others to their faces. "They don't see you crying," - Handy
Some cyberbullies pose as their victims and send out harassing messages to others.
"Recently, cyberbullies have also begun posting humiliating videos of other kids they dislike" - Parry Aftab
Parry Aftab is a cyberspace security and privacy lawyer who also serves as executive director of WiredSafety.org, one of the largest Internet safety education groups in the world.
Additionally, if the situation is dire enough to warrant police involvement (in cases of threats, extortion, continued harassment, or if an adult joins in on the bullying, which is legally cyber harassment)
the video records kept by Action Alert serve as reliable evidence to end the cyber bullying, and ensure the perpetrators are brought to justice.