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The human gut

Published on Jul 20, 2016

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THESA October 21, 2016

Lecture, demonstration and reference materials from Lynne Potter Lord
Photo by daintytime

The human gut biome

...and fermented foods...

What is it? Where does it come from?

What does it do?
Photo by Mat Culpepper

1,000,000 versus 23,000?

Photo by Marina Cast.

Biome = ecosystem

Photo by -MRGT

Co-evolving biomes inter and intra-species

Food as medicine
"Omnivore's Dilemma"

An apple a day...?

Food as medicine
"Omnivore's Dilemma"
fresh fruit and vegetables = complete package of healthy nutrients,
soluble fiber helps prevent cholesterol from building up on artery walls;
potassium helps control high blood pressure
good part of the beneficial nutrients are in the skin.
higher fiber diets can also help to prevent type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease,
Photo by *~Dawn~*

Plant's eye view

Mostly plants
Food as medicine
"Omnivore's Dilemma"

"Eat food, not too much, mostly plants."
Michael Pollan

Food as medicine
"Omnivore's Dilemma"
Photo by poptech

or the slowest form of poison.” -Hippocrates

“Food...the safest & most powerful....medicine
Food as medicine
"Omnivore's Dilemma"

what ?

Pesticides, herbicides, fungucides, fertilizers

Photo by kevin dooley

Science, medicine, pharmaceuticals

  • modern life = germaphobia
  • antibiotics = carpet bomb gut ecology
  • food sources contain chemicals
  • types of foods to avoid
  • 'gut dysbiosis' = imbalanced ratio good > bad bacteria
  • antibiotics = carpet bomb gut ecology
Photo by World of Oddy

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Leaky gut syndrome

probiotics + prebiotics - antibiotics

Photo by pennstatenews


GI tract = IBS, Crohn's, ulcers, metabolism and vit/min absorption
joints = arthritis;
brain = anxiety,depression, ADHD, autism, MS, Parkinson's, Altzheimer's

How many people use Naturopath support on extended medical???

Inflammatory diseases:

  • stomach = allergies, acid reflux, bloating, Crohn's, obesity, immunity, metabolism
  • joints = arthritis, atherosclerosis
  • brain = ADHD, anxiety, deprression, sleep, autism, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's, migraines
GI tract = IBS, Crohn's, ulcers, metabolism and vit/min absorption
joints = arthritis;
brain = anxiety,depression, ADHD, autism, MS, Parkinson's, Altzheimer's

How many people use Naturopath support on extended medical???
Photo by MTSOfan

Prevent disease?

Naturopathic or Functional Medicine
Photo by BitBoy

REMOVE foods and factors that damage the gut
REPLACE with healing foods
REPAIR with specific supplements
REBALANCE with probiotics

The Nature of Things:
It Takes Guts

Food as medicine
"Omnivore's Dilemma"

Obesity linked to antibiotics

Photo by Gentleridevan

Vegas Nerve

Connects gut and brain...second brain?

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Prebiotics = fibre

  • asparagus, artichoke
  • apples, bananas
  • leeks, onions, garlic
  • nuts, seeds, lentils, chickpeas, beans
  • root vegetables
  • green tea, cocoa and red wine extracts
Photo by zebble

Foods to use as medicine

  • modern life = germaphobia
  • antibiotics = carpet bombing of specific species of good bacteria
  • food sources
  • types of foods to avoid: dairy, gluten, sugar, alcohol
Photo by World of Oddy

1 in 3 births in USA


  • Many diseases related to or greatly affected by gut biome health
  • Designer cheeses and other probiotic foods as medicines
  • Responsibility for individuals to manage own health and wellness
  • Change required in government guidelines (Canada's Food Guide?) in line with current research


Kombucha, kimchee, kefir, naturally fermented pickled vegetables
Water Kefir
Photo by mikewarren


Kombucha, kimchee, kefir, naturally fermented pickled vegetables
Water Kefir
Photo by mikewarren

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Eat a wide variety of bacteria

Feeding the biome

The REAL reason we need fibre!


Photo by laurabillings

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Book Resources:

  • "Cooked" and "Omnivore's Dilemma" by Michael Pollan
  • "Brainmaker" David Perlmutter, MD
  • "Eat Dirt" Dr. Josh Axe
  • "Skinny Gut" Brenda Watson
  • The Human Microbiome Project Consortium
  • Cultures for Health.com - ebooksAmerican Gut
  • Cultures for Health.com - ebooks
  • Mind-Gut Connection" Emeron Mayer
Photo by somegeekintn

Paper Resources:

  • The Human Microbiome Project Consortium
  • American Gut
  • Cultures for Health.com - ebooks
  • Mind-Gut Connection" Emeron Mayer
Photo by Underpuppy

TED talks, Youtube & Netflix:

  • David Suzuki's The Nature of Things "It Takes Guts"
  • Brenda Watson "Skinny Gut"
  • David Suzuki's The Nature of Things "It Takes Guts"
  • Michael Pollan "Cooked"
  • Dr. Mark Hyman: "Ultramind Solution" "Eat Fat, Get Thin"
  • Ruairi Robertson "How your belly controls your brain"
Photo by Imohux

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