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Slide Notes

This Haiku Deck presentation template for a personal profile was created using the Volterra theme, image filters on.

More about Haiku Deck themes: http://blog.haikudeck.com/presentation-templates-with-pizzazz/

See examples of "About Me" Haiku Decks here: http://www.pinterest.com/haikudeck/about-me-haiku-decks/

Whittemore's Resume

Published on Nov 18, 2015

Simple, beautiful, flexible professional profile template. Ideas: Add to your LinkedIn and Google+ pages, embed in a website or blog, email to potential employers.



Created with Haiku Deck
This Haiku Deck presentation template for a personal profile was created using the Volterra theme, image filters on.

More about Haiku Deck themes: http://blog.haikudeck.com/presentation-templates-with-pizzazz/

See examples of "About Me" Haiku Decks here: http://www.pinterest.com/haikudeck/about-me-haiku-decks/
Photo by swisscan

Earl Whittemore

Technology Director
Introduce yourself! You'll probably want to use a picture of yourself. You can pull directly from your camera roll, Facebook account, or Instagram collection. (Bonus tip: It doesn't have to be taken by a professional, but it should look professional.)

How to import images like a pro:

I strive to:

  • Connect teachers to the best tools available for effective lessons
  • Show teachers how technology is meant to enhance their teaching, not replace
  • Guide teachers towards finding the intersection of their Content Knowledge, Pedagogical Knowledge, and Technology
It's really powerful to articulate your personal mission, especially with a well-chosen visual. If there's a particular career objective you're shooting for, you could note that here.

This is a good place to use Haiku Deck's integrated Creative Commons image search. More about that here:
Photo by B Tal

Technology Director, RCS

  • Create professional development revolving around utilizing educational tools provided by the school
  • Provide technical support for students, staff, and faculty
  • Maintain the network infrastructure
You can change the order of these slides, or add more that follow a similar format, to suit your need or mood, but it might be helpful to showcase your current role, summarizing your primary responsibilities and how long you've been part of the team.

You could include a photo of yourself in your work setting, or you could think more metaphorically to illustrate your work.

Helpful tips for finding powerful images here:
Photo by sagesolar


  • Professional Development delivery
  • Simplifying technical issues for Faculty members
  • Meeting the individual needs of the Faculty
  • Assessing the usability and likely usage rate of Educational Technology tools
  • Troubleshooting both hardware and software issues
What are 3-5 unique skills that you bring to the table? You can highlight them here. (Bonus tip: If you're on LinkedIn, review what your contacts have endorsed you for to get ideas.)

More about creating Haiku Deck lists here:


  • 2000: Wingate University, BA Communications
  • 2003: New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, MDiv
  • 2017: Michigan State University, MA Educational Technology
Again, you can choose how much detail you want to include (year is optional), or add multiple slides to highlight different degrees, but be sure to call out your academic achievements.

This is another great place to use the integrated Creative Commons image search:

Occupations since 2003

Here's a simple way to show your relevant experience in a polished visual format.

Click "Job 1" to specify your past position or employer. Click the + to add more jobs.

More on creating charts and graphs: http://blog.haikudeck.com/charts-and-graphs-made-easy-with-haiku-deck/


  • 2013 Teacher of the Year at Southern Middle School
  • Graduate Certificate in Educational Technology from Michigan State
  • Graduate Certificate in Online Teaching and Learning from Michigan State
Significant achievements can get buried in a text-based resume, so be sure to call special attention to them.

More about creating Haiku Deck lists here:
Photo by Leo Reynolds

In My Down Time

You'll find me hiking with my dog Masha. 
Closing with a personal detail is a great way to inject personality and make yourself stand out from the crowd.

Here's another place where you might want to use a personal photo. Here are some tips:
How to import images like a pro:


It's always good to close with where people can connect with you. You can also include a link to a website here in the Notes.

More about Haiku Deck Notes:

Have a great example of a Haiku Deck professional profile? Be sure to share it with us at gallery@haikudeck.com!

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