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Unit 11 Vocabulary

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Victory Garden is a small vegetable garden

Aerospace is which manufactured airplanes and missiles

Tidelands is underwater lands bordering the cost

Commute is living in one area but driving elsewhere to work

Desegregate is to stop the practice of separating people by race

Nonviolent Resistance is the use of peaceful means to achieve a goals

Great Society is a program that will help improve lives Americans

Sis-ins is a protest that involved sitting down in a public facility and refusing to leave

Chicano Movement is a civil rights movement extended to Mexican American

Scandal is a publicized event in which officials are disgraced for wrong doing

Two party system is a political system in which two parties of the comparable strength compete for political office

Bipartisanship cooperation between parties

Terrorism the use of fear and terror to advance political goals

Deportation is the act and process of formally removing foreign nationals from one country and returning them to their country of origin

Infrastructure public works such as Road bridges electrical grids and water systems

Desalinization A process that removes Salt from seawater

Cinco de Mayo is a celebration held on May 5

Biomass flat mineral an animal waste

Wind farm PG 630

Globalization pg 631