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Uzair Amin, Hassan Shabbir, Aqib Khan, Suniya, Fouz Altaf
Photo by 3dom

Where is philippines?

  • Located in South Eastern Asia
  • Nearby neighbours are Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand.
  • Area with tropical climate
  • Capital is Manila, most populous is Queuzon
Photo by nsikander28

Untitled Slide

Demographics of philippines?

  • Native language: Filipino
  • Business language: English
  • With population of 100 million, 7 most populous in Asia and 12 in World with median age of 23 years.
  • Christianity is 85% of the country's population
  • Muslims comprised 11% of the population
Photo by debbietingzon

People of Philippines

  • Malay breed with the sprinkles of Chines, American, and Spanish blood
  • Prefer families and close relations.
  • Religious
  • Command over English speaking
Photo by IRRI Images

Economy of Philippines

  • 39th largest in the world
  • 2nd fastest growing economy of the world
  • Currency is the Philippine peso
  • Agricultural sector employs 32% of the labor force
Photo by LendingMemo

Economy of philippines

  • Unemployment rate as of December 14, 2014 was 6.0%
  • Inflation rate was 3.7%
  • World is investing in Philippine and government is co operative
Photo by Tax Credits

Economy of philippines

  • Tourism is one of the major contributor to the economy of the Philippines, contributing 5.9% to the Philippine GDP.
  • Its beaches, mountains, rainforests, islands and diving spots are among the country's most popular tourist destinations.
Photo by Lutz536

Education at Philippines

  • Philippines has a literacy rate of 95.6%
  • Education spending accounts for 16.11% in the proposed 2015 national budget

Political system of philippines

  • It has a democratic government with presendential system
  • Political system of USA is adopted by them
  • President functions as both head of state and head of government

Unitary state except autonomous region of Muslim Mindanao


The Philippines is an archipelago of 7107 islands

Photo by Lutz536

Most of the mountainous islands are covered in tropical rainforest

There are many active volcanoes such as the Mayon Volcano, and Mount Pina

Minerals are abundant due to volcanic nature
Second largest gold deposits after South Africa
Rich in copper, nickel and zinc

Diverse range of birds, plants, animals and sea creatures.
It has highest rate of discovery of new animal species

Out of 10, 3 largest shopping malls of the world are in Philippine

Photo by J. Tewell