Jesus says He wants
us to have them:
"I will give you keys to the kingdom of heaven"
He wasn't taking about the next life
Faith alone gets us
to heaven
These keys get heaven to us down here
His kingdom is "peace & joy in the Holy Spirit"
Who wouldn't want to live there daily?
So, if you get caught by negative emotions
These keys will quickly set you free!
Jesus used a child to demonstrate this
"Unless you are converted and become as little children...
you will by no means enter the kingdom"
Matthew 18:3 NKJV
Trust, openness, humility are required!
The next 4 keys help us become childlike
#1: Receiving Forgiveness
- Ours sins and our inner sinfulness guarantee
- That we're going to need to get really good at receiving His mercy
#1: Receiving Forgiveness
- Ours sins and our inner sinfulness guarantee
- That we're going to need to get really good at receiving His mercy
#2: Releasing Forgiveness
- Jesus requires that we also get really good at releasing His mercy
- To anyone who hurts or offends us (Mk 11:25)
#2: Releasing Forgiveness
- Jesus requires that we also get really good at releasing His mercy
- To anyone who hurts or offends us (Mk 11:25)
#3: Actively Believing Truth
- Simply agreeing with a truth or a promise won't set you free
- It takes believing it with your whole heart
#3: Actively Believing Truth
- Simply agreeing with a truth or a promise won't set you free
- It takes believing it with your whole heart
#4: Accurately Knowing Truth
- Seek to know the truth from heaven's perspective
- Those are the truths that always work to set your heart free
#4: Accurately Knowing Truth
- Seek to know the truth from heaven's perspective
- Those are the truths that always work to set your heart free
These keys always work,
if you work them
Get free eBook:
"Matters of the Heart"
at healingstreamsusa
Get free eBook:
"Matters of the Heart"
at healingstreamsusa
Use these keys
and live in His peace
"I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven" Matthew 16:19