The Bible refers to the Hebrews as the first people to take over the land we now call Israel.
The Babylonians were from Iraq. They were intelligent, and conquered much of the world.
The country of Iran was once called Persia.
The Greeks believed in many gods unlike the Jews. However, the Greeks still allowed the Jews to practice their religion.
The Romans drove out the Jews who fled to Europe and renamed Israel Palestine. The Romans destroyed Jewish temples and used Jews as slaves.
Muslim Arabs:
The Muslim Arabs moved in and believed the land was theirs now since the Jews left. The Jews strongly disagreed with this since they were kicked out by the Romans.
Ottoman Turks:
The Ottoman Turks became one of the most powerful civilizations ever. They ruled a lot of the Middle East for over 3,000 years.
The British took over after WW1, but the British didn't really want to own this land. They promised Palestinians independence from Ottoman Turks and Jewish Zionists a homeland.
In this genocide, 6 million Jews died for no good reason. This happened when all the Jews fled to Europe when the Romans ruled.
After the Holocaust, America and the United Nations created a homeland for Jews, Israel.