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Law of Attraction

Published on Jun 25, 2016

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Law of Attraction

The Secret has been used & known

within TIME

From the Ancient Egypt

To Babylon

The Secret traveled through the History
Photo by Spanner Dan

The secret is...

Photo by horrigans

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The Universe is based on attraction

From Gravity to Electricity, everything works on attraction
Photo by Lex Eggink

The Law

  • It says "Everything that's happening into your life is attracted to you by virtue of the images you're holding in your mind. "
  • Your thoughts become the things of your life.
  • Your mental image becomes your reality.
Photo by smlp.co.uk

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The Law

  • Every thought has a frequency & we all are like a human trasmitter.
  • If we transmit positiv
Photo by twicepix