They adapted by holding there breath for long periods of time and they have a paddle like tail that improves there swimming. This is a structural physical feature
They adapt to their environment by camouflaging themselves to sting their prey. Their tentacles can also be triggered by just the slightest touch, firing a harpoon-like filament into their victim and injecting a paralyzing neurotoxin.
They adapted by shedding there internal organs to escape predators. The shedded organs may confuse entangle or distract the predator. This is a example of structural physical feature change.
This animal adapts by moving each of its eyes independently. This eyesight helps it avoid predators and find prey. It is also known to exhibit aggressive behavior toward intruders. These facts are examples of structural physical features and a good self defense.
The sea grass adapted by being able to tolerate temperatures ranging from -6 to 40 degrees Celsius. Also their horizontal stems enable them to cope with the tugging of currents and waves. This is a example of structural physical feature
How it adapts: it’s red color attracts more sunlight which helps it with photosynthesis. It’s flexible structure helps it survive. It’s flat structure helps it get more water and more sunlight these are examples of structural physical features.f