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Recently got into Ham radio.....
and am now compiling a list of the equipment I am going to need to set up a workable system




Tuners and meters of various kinds

and most importantly, find an Elmer.......... someone who has more experience and is willing to provide assistance as you figure out how all this works together

One of the Goals

Published on Oct 07, 2021

No Description


The Goal

a functioning radio
Recently got into Ham radio.....
and am now compiling a list of the equipment I am going to need to set up a workable system




Tuners and meters of various kinds

and most importantly, find an Elmer.......... someone who has more experience and is willing to provide assistance as you figure out how all this works together
Photo by cmiked

1.  Learning the Parts

of leading a small group
It reminds me of what it takes to be a small group leader, and why small groups are so important....

they provide the training ground for life.....

for as you learn to lead a group, you learn to lead in life......

Here are some of the

Elements of a Small Group

  • Planning and organizing
  • Inviting and casting vision
  • Leading a small group discussion
  • Hospitality and caring for others
  • Worship and Prayer
  • Bible Study sharing the gospel
  • Celebrating life events
Planning and scheduling

Organizing the meeting format

Choosing material

Casting Vision

Leading a group discussion



Bible study

Caring for others

Sharing the gospel

Leading small group worship

Celebrating life events

Strengthen your own Christian life skills while helping others to do the same........




and ...............?

2. Being A Spiritual Elmer

showing others the way

Things Paul Shared

  • Dealing with false teachers
  • Share testimony
  • Working well with people
  • Prayer life
  • Getting through difficult times
  • Processing the end times atmosphere
A survey of I Timothy yields the subjects Paul was helping Timothy with and this list is not complete…….so the answer to what are we going to talk about…….life tends to provide a rich supply of subjects…….doesn’t it….

What he is doing with these things is commanding Timothy to share with others…..

Paul used the Greek word παρανγελλο, which means “to hand down a military order which must be obeyed.” In 1:3 he told Timothy to “charge [order] some that they teach no other doctrine.” In 4:11, he admonished young Timothy, “These things command [order] and teach.” As the spiritual leader in the church, he was expected to give his people God’s “marching orders.” “And these things give in charge” (5:7). Pass God’s orders down through the troops. “I give thee charge,” he reminded Timothy (6:13), and then told him to “Charge them that are rich in this world” (6:17).

Things Paul Shared

  • Setting priorities
  • Caring for widows
  • Handling money well
  • Settle your Identity
  • Live a contented life
Let's talk more about discernment

A Spiritual Elmer

  • Personally interested
  • Encourager
  • Likes to share "things"
  • Has discernment

Personally interested

– you

- my son

- some comments here about Paul and Timothy’s relationship,

- knew Timothy’s grandmother, knew Timothy’s Mom – see 2 Tim 1:3-6

– be strong – keep on allowing (pre pass imp) yourself to be enabled by the Lord

- in the grace – lots of frameworks to use in working with people – remembering the

- in Christ Jesus – once again there are lots of gurus in the world – just go channel surfing and you will see all their infomercials

Likes to share “things” vs. 2 3:14; 4:6; 5:21:6:2 things, instructions etc……

– personally – keeps you close, gives you a front row seat in “how to” settings

- in all kinds of scenarios

- committed to “passing it on”
Photo by sjbenton

3. Apply Discernment

looking for leaders who.....
Discernment – choosing those who will help encourage the next generation of leaders

how to entrust others – to place it before them, put it in their hands notice how Paul uses the word in

1 Tim 1:18 – I give you this instruction

2 Timothy 1:12 – 14 Go there and read it…………put in your hands to care for, see to, follow through on…..etc.

this is a command not an option – yet we have made it an option……..if you are a Christian

how to see reliability – trustworthy, can I count on them……..

how to identify qualified teachers –

those who have demonstrated the necessary qualities to be good pass it on kind of teachers

those who have had “enough” training to get started…….
insuring these teachers own the value of teaching others

Reminds me of the way Dr. Dann Spader in his Growing a Healthy church Material describes this idea – in particular how Jesus identified those interested in becoming spiritual leaders or parents

Those AFT’R More – Available Faithful Teachable Responsive

Want to Focus

like a soldier
Serve with Focus - like a soldier – a command vs. 3

Handling hardship together is the emphasis in the word– the difficult things that we share because we are in the same situation, not God’s plan for us to go through difficulties alone

Handling entangling distractions – don’t get woven into other things that take you away from serving God

(Illus. Weaving in a hairpiece – literally becomes a part of you…………Are we allowing distractions to become a part of our lives and keep us from serving God as spiritual parents?……..)

Serving others – serving as a soldier – soldiering is a profession committed to putting others first, protecting others, and if need be, losing your life for someone else……….)

Deciding whose orders to obey – being able to sort out who you listen to or obey when the bullets of life are flying…..
Photo by Janitors

Enjoy Training

like an athlete plans
Train with a plan – like a athlete

Don’t break training – you know it leads to less than the prize, the crown

The plan has a prize – the sweat, the hours, the self sacrifice – it all has a point……….
Photo by Braden Collum

Live in Anticipation

like a farmer
Live in anticipation – like a farmer

Works until he is tired

Works with the coming harvest in mind – and that is why he can work until he is tired

Use their Brain

"like to think about it"
Take some time

Give it some thought

Use your brain

Apply your ability to think………….the kinds of thinking skills you use at work….

God will help you pull issues together

What are you waiting for?

an invitation?
If these 4 are of interest to you, or describe you

You may be a small group leader just waiting to happen
Photo by Artem Maltsev

Learn about

  • Parts of a small group
  • Privilege of being an "Elmer"
  • Purpose of discernment
  • for yourself
  • for others

You may be an "Elmer"

just waiting for a group
If these 4 are of interest to you, or describe you

You may be a small group leader just waiting to happen
Photo by Artem Maltsev

Michael Cadrette

Haiku Deck Pro User