Things Paul Shared
- Dealing with false teachers
- Share testimony
- Working well with people
- Prayer life
- Getting through difficult times
- Processing the end times atmosphere
A survey of I Timothy yields the subjects Paul was helping Timothy with and this list is not complete…….so the answer to what are we going to talk about…….life tends to provide a rich supply of subjects…….doesn’t it….
What he is doing with these things is commanding Timothy to share with others…..
Paul used the Greek word παρανγελλο, which means “to hand down a military order which must be obeyed.” In 1:3 he told Timothy to “charge [order] some that they teach no other doctrine.” In 4:11, he admonished young Timothy, “These things command [order] and teach.” As the spiritual leader in the church, he was expected to give his people God’s “marching orders.” “And these things give in charge” (5:7). Pass God’s orders down through the troops. “I give thee charge,” he reminded Timothy (6:13), and then told him to “Charge them that are rich in this world” (6:17).