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African Instituted Christianity

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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Brief history:
A church independently started by Africans and not by missionaries from another continent. They are found all across Africa but mostly in Southern and Western Africa. Started during the 19th century to early 20th century. Many Africans who were converts to Christianity were unable to reconcile their beliefs with the teaching of their church leaders and so they split off.

Reasons for split:
*Cultural: the result of trying to accommodate Christian beliefs with a African world view.
*Political: effort to escape white control.
*Historical: many of the parent churches had themesvles emerged from a process schism (division between people)

Beliefs and rituals:
There are thousands of African institued churches and each have their own characteristics. The five main classifications are Ethiopian, Zionist, Messianic, Apsolisitic, and Aladura Pentecostal.

They are usually performed for each stage of a person's life (birth, marriage, death). Drumming and dancing is used to stimulate possession by the Holy Spirit.

They typically stick to the Christian doctrines of the parent churches but in an unreformed state. These churches are mostly found in South Africa and they formed during the Ethiopian movement of the late 19th century which taught that African churches should be under control of black people. They are Protestant.

They trace their origins back to the Christian Catholic Aposlistic church found in Zion, founded by John Alexander Dowie. Found mostly in Southern Africa. They are Catholic.

They focus on the power and sanctity of their leaders. The followers often think that their leaders have Christ-like characteristics.

They are similar to the Zionist groups but often place more empathisis on formal theological training.

Aladura Pentencostal: Originated in Nigeria. It relies on the power of prayer and in all the effects of the baptism of the Holy Spirit. They reject all forms of medicine.


  • Mostly in Western and Southern Africa
  • An estimated 36% of population belong to these churches

Interesting facts:
To be a leader of one of these churches you have to be called by the Holy Spirt.