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Civil War Vocab. Pt. 4

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a soldier who has just signed up to be a soldier and is without battle experience.

Photo by Bonita Sarita

Rifled Musket
the standard infantry weapon used in the war. Usually .58 or .577 caliber, the "rifle" fired a Minie Ball through a spiral grooved barrel, spinning the bullet for more velocity and accuracy.

Salt Pork
the most common meal ration during the war, along with hardtack and coffee. The pork was salted to preserve it.

to withdraw from the Union, as 11 Southern states did in 1860-1861. During the war, Southerners were frequently called "secesh" by Northerners.

Photo by Ed Yourdon

the art of military command as to an overall plan of war. How to deploy troops and where to deploy troops are components of strategic planning.

Photo by ITU Pictures

dry goods salesman who traveled with the Northern armies. Considered necessary for the provision of extra items for the soldiers, sutlers often cheated and overcharged military customers.

the art of maneuvering troops on a battlefield.

Civil War term for an underwater mine that exploded. Used on rivers to defend against enemy ships.

Photo by BR0WSER

Turning Movement
a military tactic. Sending troops around the enemy's flank (side) to attack his line of communications in the rear of his battle line.

Photo by Scott*

the collection of 23 Northern states which fought the rebellious Confederacy during the Civil War. Also called The United States of America.

Yank or The Blue, Federals, or Billy Yank
term for soldier who fought for the Union.

Photo by infomatique

soldiers in colorful uniforms patterned after French infantry soldiers, and who specialized in precision drilling.

Photo by Allen Gathman