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Glen Rose High School

Published on Jul 29, 2016

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Glen Rose High School



  • Introductions
  • Expectations
  • Procedures and Policies
  • Challenges

Mr. Shackelford

  • Educator for 21 years
  • Administration for 11 years
  • Married and have 2 children


  • I expect great attitudes and best effort from all of us in this room
  • I expect teamwork - respect and support each other
  • I expect all of us to in this room to do the right thing, all the time
  • I expect you to have high expectations from your administrators, teachers, and yourself
Photo by roland

What you will get from me

  • fairness and accountability
  • a team-like approach to building a supportive, successful, and distraction free learning environment
Photo by bibendum84

Morning Procedures

  • Morning - Tutorials start at 7:30 all other students will either go to commons area or cafeteria.

During classes

  • All students should be in class during class-time
  • No students will be allowed in the hallways without a pass.
  • Each teacher has a cell phone parking area. All cell phones must be "parked" until class is over.
Photo by kevin dooley

Lunch Procedures

  • ALL STUDENTS will go to lunch room or to the "Garden of Eatin" during lunch. Students are not allowed to share their lunch with other students in the cafeteria due to the federal guidelines regarding school nutrition.
  • NO STUDENTS will be allowed in commons area, hallways, or classrooms during lunch!


  • All students who are absent should bring a note from home to excuse the absence and take admit slip to each teacher to be signed.
  • Notes to excuse an absence should be done within three school days of the absence.
Photo by Jaysun

Dress and Grooming Code

  • The GRHS dress and grooming code has not changed from last year.
  • All teachers are responsible for enforcing the dress and grooming code.
Photo by mick62

Dress and Grooming Code

  • The GRHS dress and grooming code has not changed from last year.
  • All teachers are responsible for enforcing the dress and grooming code.
Photo by mick62

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  • No facial hair
  • Hair must be a natural color
  • Length of boys hair must be shoulder length or above
  • Hair must be neatly kept

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  • Piercings limited to girls ears. No facial piercings
  • Boys shall not wear earrings at any time
  • Tattoos must not be visible
Photo by egisto.sani

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  • Girls must have a 3 finger width minimum between the collar and sleeve.
  • Low cut collar shirts are not allowed
  • No chains or torn clothing
Photo by Ed Yourdon

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  • No caps/head wear/sunglasses may be worn in the building
  • shorts must be mid-thigh or to the finger-tip when standing with both arms to your side
  • leggins may be worn but must be covered by dress or shirt that comes to length the same as shorts
Photo by mikecogh

GRHS Behavior Policy

  • When a student is in violation of a policy or procedure resulting in an office referral, the GRHS behavior chart will match the appropriate consequence with the behavior.
  • This policy allows students to be in control of what the consequences will be.
Photo by tedeytan

After school procedures

  • Bus riders will need to immediately go to bus pick up area at 3:35.
  • Tutorial bus will arrive at 4:25, students must have a tutorial bus pass to ride the bus.
  • D-Hall will be from 3:40-4:10. Failure for students to show up for D-Hall by 3:45 will be an added step on their behavior plan.
Photo by bsabarnowl


  • In order to be successful we must first prepare ourselves.
  • The process is what we will concern ourselves with, the results will speak for themselves.

GRHS Tiger Challenge

  • You are in charge of your schools success. Continue to make it great!
  • Genuinely care for the success of your classmates! The best schools have students who want the best for each other
  • Appreciate, respect and support the passions of others.

Remind for GRHS students

  • Get your phones out and text @tigersgrhs to 81010
Photo by andyarthur

Schedule Changes

  • All requests will be done online this year
  • StoneWare under APPLICATIONS folder, GRHS Schedule Changes
  • Once your schedule change has been processed, you will be called to the office to receive your new schedule
Photo by Jesse757