Genesis 18

Published on Apr 26, 2016

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Genesis 18

A Baby Shower & Funeral
Photo by peasap

Whats Going On Now?

  • By this time Abraham is 99 years old and Abraham has likely figured that Ishmael will be the heir to his home. Sarah is also advanced in age. God himself (Theophany comes to visit Abraham and Sarah
  • Sarah is also advanced in age. God himself (Theophany comes to visit Abraham and Sarah)
Photo by Jeremy Brooks

God’s Three-fold Purpose for His Visit to Abraham

  • To announce to Sarah the birth of Isaac
  • To commune with Abraham as a friend
  • Rescue Lot.
Photo by mag3737

Humble Abe

  • God comes in the heat of the day. We get an example of Godly hospitality. It is hot and not comfortable but Abraham comes and bows (shachah-means to worship).

Humble Abe

  • He asks them to stay so that he can serve them a meal (The meal would have taken some time to make-bread must rise and back. The same for killing an animal and preparing it.)

Think About it?

  • Hebrews 13:2 (NIV) 2 Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.

You betta ask yoself!

  • When was the last time you provided hospitality? In your home?
Photo by otama

Humble Abe

  • Custom was that the man was the host. Abraham serves the Angels and then he stands by the tree.
  • Abraham serves the Angels and then he stands by the tree.

What about Sarah?

  • Then the Lord overrides the etiquette of the day and ask about the wife.
  • God wants Sarah to know that the word He has is for her.
Photo by artifishall

What about Sarah?

  • God shows us that He knows our name, He ask for Sarah and not for Abraham’s wife.
Photo by artifishall

No She didn't...

  • Sarah hears God’s announcement as she is listening in on the conversation. She laughs when she hears the news. God asks her, “Why did you laugh?”
Photo by marc kjerland

No She didn't

  • Abraham laughs in chapter 17 and Sarah laughs in chapter 18- Isaac’s name means- “He Laughs”
Photo by marc kjerland

Think about it...

  • Genesis 18:14 (NIV)14 Is anything too hard for the LORD? I will return to you at the appointed time next year and Sarah will have a son."

He Knows...

  • God knows where Sarah is God knows what she is thinking • God promises that He will return
  • God knows what she is thinking
  • God promises that He will return

What are doubting?

  • God wants us to recognize that He can accomplish things in our lives.
Photo by Lotus Carroll


  • God is Just
  • God is a Holy God who does not allow sin God’s deciding test. (v. 21) God’s judgment are tempered with mercy (v.21)
Photo by cobalt123

God then listens to Abraham’s intercessory for the city of Sodom. Abraham starts at 50, and then he ends with 10. Somehow Abraham knew when to stop. We don’t know how he knew.

We see this again...

  • Jeremiah 5:1 (NIV) Go up and down the streets of Jerusalem, look around and consider, search through her squares. If you can find but one person who deals honestly and seeks the truth, I will forgive this city.
  • When God gets to Jeremiah’s day God is willing to get down to one. A sign that there were no righteous people left.

Abraham’s Intercession

  • Abraham’s intersession is for the entire city and not just Lot
  • Abraham’s intercession is for his spiritual growth. When the city is destroyed he learns that there were no righteous people there.
Photo by David Kracht

Abraham's Intercession

  • Abraham’s intercession reveals what Abraham knows about the character of God.
  • Abraham’s intercession was guided by divine inspiration. Perhaps God wanted Abraham to intercede on behalf of the people.


  • Lot is sitting at the gate which shows that he was a judge of the city. The angels go home with Lot after he persuaded them. Lot made unleavened bread (made quickly)
Photo by justus.thane


  • They have a quick meal and as evening approaches the young and old men approached Lot and ask for the two angels. Lot’s compromise is to send out his daughters.
Photo by justus.thane

You betta ask yoself..

  • What are some of the evils of our day that those in our home need to be protected from? What are those things that we have not invited in to our homes?
  • What are those things that we have not invited in to our homes?
Photo by otama

The aftermath...

  • Lot and his daughters do escape the city. Lot’s wife looks back and she turns into a pillar of salt.
Photo by Philerooski

The aftermath...

  • We don’t know if there is any meeting of Lot and Abraham
  • Lot’s daughters get him drunk and have children with him (v.37) Moabites and Ammonites.
Photo by Philerooski

Think about it...

  • Lot was spared because of his praying uncle. Who do we need to intercede for?
  • Who do we need to intercede for?


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