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Chorus Studyguide

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  • There are two major staffs the bass and treble staff/clef
  • The treble clef is sung by sorpranos and altos
  • The bass clef is sung by tenors and bass
  • Each staff/clef has its on saying. The treble clef's line saying is Every Good Boy Does Fine and the space notes are Fat Albert Can Eat.
  • The bass notes line saying is Great Big Dogs Fight Animals and the space notes are All Cows Ear Grass


  • There are many types of notes the whole,half,quarter,eighth, and sixteenth
  • Each note has its own duration
  • Duration means how long a note is sung or played
  • Whole= 4, half=2, quarter=1, eighth=1/2, and sixteenth=1/4


  • Rest duration is just like note duration except it tells you how long to be quiet
  • Each note also has its own rest duration.
  • Whatever the note duration of a note is, the rest equals it also


  • Musical texture is a mixture of rhythm melody and harmony
  • There are many different types of musical textures and can be found all over the world
  • Monophonic texture is when one person sings a melody or a group sings in unison. Sung only by men. Started in the 9th and 10th century. ROME
  • Polyphoinc texture is where two or more distinct melodies are combined. Can be heard in early new orleans jazz or javanese gamelan music of southeast asia.
  • Heterophoinc texture is when two or more voices sing/play the same melody, but add their own notes of their choice. Can be heard in Brazil and Arabia.
  • Homophonic texture When one voice/instrument sounds as if they are accompining another. Leaving Asia gotta get back to class!