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Science Study Project

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Science Study Project

By Kian Dueholm
Photo by ecstaticist

What is a simple machine and what is it used for?

A simple machine is any machine used to make work easier.ex. Pulley, lever, wheel and axle.

What is velocity?

The speed of something in any given direction.

What is friction?

Friction is a outside force acting on a moving object.

What forces affect motion?

Friction and gravity both affect motion .

How can force affect a moving object?

An object in rest tends to stay in rest and an object in motion tneds to stay in motion.

How can rock form soil?

A rock can be worn down by being weathered so much and then a dead decaying organism has to fertilize it.

What is a slow earth process and what land feature would it form .

An example of a slow process would be erosion and it might make sandbars.
Photo by Miradortigre

What is a fast earth process amd what land feature would it form ?

A fast earth process example is earthquakes and it could form a fault block mountain.
Photo by crestedcrazy

What are renewable resources in Minnesota and how are they used.

Air is renewable and used for breathing. plants are renewable and used as crops.

WHat are nonrenewable resources in minnesota and how are they used?

Coal is nonrenewable and used for fires, oil is nonrenewable and used to make gas.
Photo by rcbodden

How do humans negatively impact landfills and ocean life cycles?

Humans don't usually recycle, filling landfills but do throw trash in oceans killing ocean life.
Photo by jritch77

What are some better decisions humans can make?

Humans can recycle and throw trash in the trash can not the ocean.
Photo by teachernz

What is a natural system in Minnesota ? What animals could live there

Examples are prairies( prairie dogs, Bison )and forests( squirrels,bears).
Photo by skoeber

What are some nonliving things in that system?

You could find rocks and streams.

What is an invasive species?

An invasive species is a species that is brought from one place to another and has repopulated in the new area.

How can it change an ecosystem.

It could need the same food as another species, but eat all the food so the other species die.
Photo by Marco Gaiani