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A Found Poem

Published on Apr 02, 2016

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A Found Poem

from OCIRA 2016 with Tanny McGregor
Photo by Kotomi_

Poetry was daunting for me until...I met her.

Photo by Marc Briggs

"I want to bring you to the genre in a new way..."

Photo by Carey 1964

I am not a writer...

Photo by photosteve101

But, poetry is the perfect genre.

Photo by Thomas Hawk

Poetry is the genre for rule breakers.

Poetry knows how to stand up for itself.

Photo by Ian Sane

Poetry is about the 18 inch migration.

It moves the learning from your brain to your heart.

Photo by Roca Chang

It shows us how to toggle from head to heart, from heart to head.

It's not willing to be tied down to convention.

Photo by riandreu

Students feel like they always...or they never.
Poetry frees them up.

Kids can run with that.

Photo by martinak15