Khan, a hedge broker, wanted to help his cousin Nadia who did not pass a 6th grade math placement test. He decided to tutor her. Most of
their tutoring time was spent on the phone and using computer
After helping Nadia, Khan went on to tutor more of his relatives.
Student's need to master the initial one first at 100% -Only passing with a 95% leaves 5% of information missing that they may need later. (Swiss Cheese Learning)
Students need to be taught self-paced lessons.
Students need to be responsible for their own learning.
-Khan believes we should master 100% of our learning.
-Concepts build on one another. If the student does not understand the concept at 100% before moving on, later they will be bewildered.
-We are setting them up to fail. -All the wholes in their education are like that of Swiss cheese.
He created a software that tracked: --How many problems a student got right or wrong --How long they worked on each problem. --It even tracked time of day.
Pilot program in a wealthy school district in silicon valley. - 2 Fifth grade classes that have never been tracked. (96% passed) - 2 Seventh grade classes labeled as "Falling behind" (increased 106% from previous year)
Instead- as the centerpieces of student appraisal, two things: a running, multiyear narrative not only of what a student has learned but how she learned it; and a portfolio of a students' creative work.
Using self-paced video lessons, in combination with computer based feedback and team teaching help, fundamental coursework can be handled in one or two hours a day.
This frees up five to six hours for creative pursuits, both individual and collabrative.
"Instead, I would propose, as the centerpieces of a student appraisal, two things: a running, multiyear narrative not only what the student has learned but how she learned it; and a portfolio of a student's creative work. ( Khan, 2012, 217).
I would implement this in my classroom because I think it is important to look beyond the test grade. I cannot take away letter grades and testing, but I can start this type of assessment which will allow others to look further into the students abilities and desires. Test only take a "snapshot" of what a student knows on that particular day.
I would love to apply this "Flipped Classroom" approach. After reading this book it seems to make since that students can watch the lecture on their own time and at their own pace. Then do the application in class where the students would be able to ask questions immediately, get immediate feedback, have collaboration, and best of all, critical thinking would be able to occur.