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Published on Oct 06, 2021

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Photo by Nathan Dumlao


Photo by Jon Moore

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  • 85-90% of chronic disease is preventable
  • Environment & lifestyle are the variables
  • Need a new environment
Photo by NASA

what equals success?


  • Principles, science and research
  • Strategies and tools
  • Resources
  • New module weekly

online program will coincide

with your consultations

time factor


need for new model

Photo by Billy Huynh

don't treat disease

Photo by Marcelo Leal

different model

  • Biochemical Individuality
  • Genetic Uniqueness
  • Environment
Photo by Noah Näf

disease is a delusion

Photo by akio.takemoto

health = vitality

personal responsibility

how to master change

  • Take personal responsibility
  • Gain leverage
  • Pattern interupt
  • Define the problem
  • Condition it
  • Take on victory

take solid corrective action


Photo by Jim_Nix

create a breakthrough

  • Your Strategy
  • Your Story
  • Your State
Photo by Kendall Ruth


  • Write a minimum of 3 things you are grateful for
  • Cultivate the feeling of gratitude and appreciation
  • Gratitude for what you want
Photo by Simon Maage




Photo by Samara Doole


the charge -/+
Photo by VSELLIS


  • Additives (Chlorine, Chloramines, Fluoride)
  • Toxic Metals (Lead, Mercury, Aluminum, Cadmium, Chromium
  • Chlorination By-Products
  • Volatile Organic Compounds (Pesticides, Herbicides, Pharmaceuticals, Petro-Chemicals etc.)


  • Neurotoxin
  • Accumulates where calcium does
  • Component of many drugs
  • Causes bones to be more brittle
Photo by Pam_Broviak

clean water

Photo by Jacek Dylag

light principles



part of our physiology

Light is information

proper light signals are critical

Photo by derekGavey

light & Circadian Rhythm

Photo by ~Twon~

all diseases are tied to light

  • Autoimmune Disease
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Infertility
  • Diabetes
  • Multiple Sclerosis

Morning sunlight resets the body's natural rhythm and increases melatonin at night

Artificial light at night disrupts the rhythm


Digital devices, screens & improper lighting can impair natural biochemical signaling

Photo by JeremyOK

light stongly influences physiology

  • Sympathetic & Parasympathetic Nervous System
  • Immune System
  • Hormones
  • Neurotransmitters
  • Skin
Photo by Kaensu

light directly impacts the production of:

  • Vitamin D3
  • Histamine
  • Sulfhydryl Groups (Detox)
  • Nitric Oxide
  • Melatonin, Dopamine, Serotonin
Photo by Kaensu

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Don't block proper signaling through the eyes

benefits of correct light

  • Metabolism & Body Composition
  • Blood Composition
  • Direction Of Stem Cells
  • Bone Health & Calcium Metabolism
  • B12 Metabolism Or Anemia
  • Digestion
  • ActivatesThe Immune System

sleep-wake cycles

We have to address the light component

sunlight & Vitamin D

Primary Function Is To Access & Use DNA

Photo by micahb37

vitamin d

  • Smooth Muscles
  • Immune System
  • Calcium Utilization
  • Mitochondrial Energy Production
  • DNA Repair
  • Influences Over 80 Biochemical Pathways

vitamin d

  • Kidneys, Liver, Blood, GI Tract & Skin Are All Involved In Production
  • Need A Healthy Gut

sun exposure

  • MED - Minimum Erythema Dose - Just Getting Pink
  • Build Up Slowly
  • Sun Derived Vitamin D Is Superior
  • Sensible Exposure - Don't Burn
  • Use Sunscreen If Exposed Past MED
  • Consider Zinc Oxide Sunscreens
Photo by Sean Oulashin

air & Breathing

Photo by Darius Bashar


Photo by veeterzy


  • Volatile Organic Compounds From Plastics, New Carpets, Fragrances, Mold
  • Pesticides
  • Engine Exhaust, Natural Gas, Asphalt, Cosmetics
  • Bio-Aerosols
  • Organochlorines, Polychlorinated Biphenols (PCB's)
  • Heavy Metals
Photo by veeterzy

How they harm

  • Asthma
  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Skin Disorders
  • Developmental Problems
  • Birth Defects
  • Cancer
  • Autoimmune Disease
  • Contributes To Many "Downstream" Imbalances
Photo by veeterzy


impacts all physiology


impacts all physiology

mouth Breathing

  • Optimal breathing requires nasal breathing
  • Mouth breathing is a sign of ill health
  • It is dehydrating
  • Creates dental issues
  • Creates fatigue
Photo by gi@como


  • Normal is 4-6 L of air per minute
  • Chronic conditions breathing 8-10 L per minute
  • Asthma and respiratory conditions breathing 10-12 L per minute

Nasal breathing

  • Increases oxygen uptake
  • Produces nitric oxide
  • NO is antibacterial
  • NO improves the immune system
  • Decreases inflammation

Nasal breathing

  • The level of carbon dioxide (CO2) regulates breathing, not oxygen - Bohr Effect
  • Over-breathing or mouth breathing decreases CO2 thereby binding oxygen more tightly to hemoglobin
  • This lowers metabolism and thyroid function

air & Breathing

Photo by Darius Bashar

proper breathing

Photo by J. Bell

proper breathing

  • Healthy oral microbiome and dental health
  • Improve sinus issues
  • Increase body temperature, circulation and reduce cold hands and feet
  • Reset respiratory center in the brain
Photo by Flickr

control pause

  • Also called Bolt Score
  • After rested & seated 10 minutes
  • Small breath in the nose followed by small breath out of nose, then gently pinch nose closed
  • Relax and continue to hold until first definite desire to breathe
  • Use a device to time the seconds - not a breath hold competition
Photo by pierre bédat

goal is to increase control pause

  • Ideally we want the CP to be over 35-40 with a resting pulse of 70
  • Become more mindful of breathing through the nose
  • Resist sighing and yawning
  • Breathing exercises can increase your CP by 2-4 seconds each week
  • Earthing can also help the CP
Photo by pierre bédat


  • Increases oxygen delivery to tissues
  • Increases red blood cell production
  • Improves mitochondrial efficiency
  • Reduces lactic acid
  • Increase metabolism and lose weight
Photo by pierre bédat

mouth taping

breathing exercises

  • Nasal decongestion exercises
  • CP
  • Exercise 1: Place a hand on abdomen and chest, practice shallow, smaller breaths via nasal breathing, 2-3 min at a time, several times per day
  • If comfortable with this, can do this for several days to get used to it, or move onto exercise 2 right away

Breathing Exercises

  • Exercise 2: Seated Breathing
  • Small breath in the nose, small breath out, then pinch to hold the breath
  • Hold long enough to create a light to medium air shortage
  • Release the nose, resume nasal breathing and calm your breathing
  • Rest 50-60 seconds and then repeat 10 times
  • Perform this exercise 4x/day for a week
  • After a week, perform the same exercise but while doing a light stroll

Breathing exercises

  • CP > 20: Intermediate Exercise
  • Now a brisk walk while doing breath hold exercises
  • Hold for a medium to strong air shortage
  • 10 Reps, 4x/day
  • CP > 30: Advanced Exercise
  • Now a jog while doing breath hold exercises

pulse oximeter for feedback

  • Normal SpO2 is 95-99%
  • Try to reduce SpO2 to under 94%
  • Ideally reduce to under 90% (Advanced)
  • Never go below 80%

proper breathing

Photo by J. Bell


electromagnetic fields


Photo by miheco

electric fields

  • Electrical wiring
  • Power cords for appliances and devices
  • Ungrounded appliances
  • Power lines
  • Measure body voltage on the skin with a body voltage meter
Photo by Hobi industri

magnetic fields

  • Power lines
  • Faulty electrical wiring
  • Appliances
  • Most electrical devices
  • Magnetic fields are measured with an ELF gaussmeter
Photo by Sigmund

radiofrequency fields

  • Include microwave frequencies
  • Wifi and Bluetooth
  • Cell phones and cell towers
  • Cordless phones and baby monitors
  • Measured with an RF meter


Photo by Jackson David

ubiquitous universal Genotoxic Carcinogen

the affects accumulate and compound
Photo by Sigmund

BIoinitiative slide


  • Increased cancer rates
  • Damage to DNA
  • Impaired repair mechanisms
  • Direct cause or contributing factor to chronic disease
Photo by Sigmund

Create a healing environment

Photo by Luke Chesser

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Photo by Thomas Kelley

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Photo by Katie Smith

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Photo by Katie Smith

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Photo by Randy Fath

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Photo by Jakob Cotton

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Photo by umseas

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Photo by Brad Stallcup

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Photo by JeremyOK

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Photo by Dawid Zawiła

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Photo by Nathan Dumlao