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Published on Mar 24, 2016

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Photo by cinderellasg


  • They sound the same,
  • They are spelled differently,
  • And have different meanings.
Photo by ronbrinkmann

Their- A possessive pronoun.
It is their sushi, not yours.

There- The opposite of here.
I'd rather eat over there, waiter.

They're- A contraction for 'they are'

They're doing a Congo line!!!

Too- Having a lot more than expected.

Sophia has too many cakes!

Two- The number after 1 and before 3.

Lennon has two cats.

To- A sight word.

We went to the store.

Photo by LollypopFarm

Witch- A monster that brews potions. Which- A decision someone goes by.

IHasCupquake wears a witch hat.
Which way now?

Photo by matheuslotero

Speed up!
It's- A contraction for, "it is."
Its- When something belongs to someone.
Threw- the past tense of throw.
Through- To go in something then come out.

It's her, mom; she's here!
Its so funny for Thomas.
I didn't know that he threw the ball.
How do you go through the car?

Right- The opposite of left.
Write- To make words.
Whole- When all the pieces are together of anything.
Hole. An unusual part of missing space.

He wanted to go right.
I will write a 4,800 word story to burn 200 calories.
Stampy Cat ate the whole cake.
Jen fell in a hole... again.

Photo by N@ncyN@nce

Piece- a part of a whole.
Peace- To cooperate.
Then- A middle transition word.
Than- A conjunction for comparing two things.

Photo by lrargerich

I love pieces of candy!
Even though dogs chase cats, they made peace.
First, eat;Then, sleep.
There are more cats than mice.

Very- Having much of something.
Vary- To be more precise on something during a talk.

Photo by ajagendorf25

That is very important for the test!
I will vary widely for the Asian carp.