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Doxeys Irridex Index

Published on Feb 02, 2016

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Doxey's Irridex Model

Photo by ╚ DD╔

In this model, Doxey states that an increase in the numbers of tourists and a more developed tourism industry at the destination results in irritation in the host community.

Photo by williamcho

In other words, this can lead to incompatibility of the host and the guest. This irritation can take the form of unfriendly behavior personified as resentment from the local community towards tourism.

Photo by Ed Yourdon

Model suggests that communities pass through a sequence of reactions as the impacts of an evolving tourism industry in their area become more pronounced and their perceptions change with experience

Photo by joiseyshowaa

1. assesses host - guest interactions and relationships

Photo by VinothChandar

2. justifies residents' attitudes at different growth stages of a tourist destination

Photo by kelpenhagen

3. is NOT based on detailed research. Instead based on opinions

Photo by IRRI Images

Limitation 1:

assumes that homogeneity (or sameness) characterises a community

Limitation 2:
Assumes that the whole community becomes hostile to tourism, but often communities are diverse and different sections of the community have different reactions.

Limitation 3:
Is simplistic but it does indicate a telling factor in tourism development, and that is uncontrolled development will create

Photo by williamcho

Stages of host approach to visitors

1 - Visitors are welcome and there is little planning

Photo by ** RCB **

2 - Visitors are taken for granted and contact becomes more formal

3 - Saturation is approached & locals are doubtful. Planners attempt to control by increasing infrastructure rather than limiting growth

4 - Open expression of irritation and planning yet promotion is increased to offset negative reputation of resort

Photo by Jen SFO-BCN

Can be overlaid with Butlers Sequence
(destination life cycle)