This is an important issue to stop because, when you hurt an animal in any way, you can also be hurting people or other animals without actually doing anything to them. Animal abuse can lead depression and depression could lead to many other problems, and it could destroy someone. When you have depression, it's more than feeling sad. Intense feelings of sadness and other symptoms, like losing interest in things you enjoy, may last for a while. Depression is a medical illness, not a sign of weakness. And it's treatable. All of this could happen from animal abuse and of course many other things but animal anise is one of the easier things to prevent because it's not something that's just there it's something that can be helped and stopped for good, if people take the time and if they see any of it happening then report it asap and get help so both the animal and whoever is seeing it doesn't get hurt in any possible way.
There are many organizations or non-profit groups that are trying to advertise and tell others how to help and who to call, and etc..
the organizations are taking in abused or hurt animals and helping them and getting them new homes that will better fit them, for example the humane society or ASPCA.
The 10 countries that are most cruel to animals are Netherland, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Venezuela, Egypt, Spain, China, Australia, and Japan, being number 1. In Netherland, there was a women that killed a dog for an art piece. In Greece, they would keep dogs chained up, and also put alive chicks in a bag to dispose them. In Romania, they would slather and skin the animals. In Bulgaria, they would poison their pet dog and cats, and hang them upside down in a tree. In Venezuela, they would chase, wip, and slather the animals. In Egypt, there was a 6 year old kid that was found swinging their pet cat, by the legs until it died from pain, and suffrage. In Spain, they have bull fights, which automatically kills the Bulls.
The states that have the least animal abuse is Idaho, Hawaii, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Dakota. These places don't punish people when they abuse the animals because they don't think that it matters.
In Asia, they cook and eat dogs and cats, when they are alive. Some may say that it is appalling, while others don't care. In Spain, they throw goats onto high towers for entertainment. Groundhogs get their ears cut off, because their masters enter them into a groundhog competition, and since they don't want the dog to identify the master, they have to cut the ears. After they do the competition, the master kill the dog in a violent way, because they are not useful anymore.
Every single animal is used to produce greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases are gases in the Earth's atmosphere which gets produced by nature and through human industry. Animals also affect water because they have free access to it and they make it dirty by putting mud into it. This causes horrible bacteria, that gets mixed into the water, that humans and animals drink from. However only a small portion die because of the bacteria in the water.
When there are animal abuse, there is a good and bad side to them. The good thing about animal abuse is that they are meat, and many people need meat to survive in this world. The bad thing about animal abuse is that many just kill them because they want to have fun. Even when they animals are in good condition, people kill them for entertainment. The environment needs animals, but also need them for food too. So sometimes animal abuse may be a good thing, but other times it is a horrible tragedy.
5 Worst States to Be an Animal: Abuse Laws Lax." N.p., 03 Feb. 2010. Web. 01 Dec. 2015. .
"Animal Cruelty - Animal Rights Action." Animal Rights Action. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Dec. 2015. .
"10 Countries That Are Most Cruel to Animals." Random Story 10 Countries That Are Most Cruel to Animals Comments. N.p., 15 May 2013. Web. 01 Dec. 2015. .