Eightfold Path

Published on Jul 26, 2021

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Eightfold Path

Adriane Schoch- EDC 5391

Step 1: The Problem- The discipline gap in schools.

Photo by Stella Blu

Step 2: Evidence
days of instruction lost-

more Evidence of the gap by gender

Black students accounted for 15 percent of all students in 2016, yet they accounted for 31 percent of school-related arrests and referrals to law enforcement.

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  • “Discipline is like sailing on flowing water. If you can do the right moves at the right time you can advance, otherwise you will get slower and fail"
Photo by crlbvi

Step 3: Construct the alternatives

  • 1. alternative education placement with additional focuses on SEL/behavior management
  • 2. additional campus social worker or counselor allotment
  • 3. district-wide initiatives to implement restorative practices

Step 4: Select the criteria

  • sustainability
  • equitability
  • COST
Photo by PNASH

Step 5: Project the outcomes

Photo by mag3737

OPTION 1: alternative placements

  • cost-yes
  • sustainability-yes
  • equitability-no
Photo by daveynin

OPTION 2: staffing allocations

  • equitability-yes
  • cost-no
  • sustainability-no
Photo by unhcr_ukraine

OPTION 3: restorative practice initiative

  • cost-yes
  • equitability-yes
  • sustainability-yes

Step 6: Confront the trade-offs

  • option 1- it is easy and confirms/supports traditional belief systems
  • option 2- Meet individual needs and create jobs
  • option 3- facilitates relational improvement and disrupts biases
Photo by Gunn Shots !

Step 7: stop, focus, narrow, deepen, and decide

*district-wide implementaion of restorative practices*

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Adriane Schoch

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