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The Law of Consistency, Environment & Design

15 Invaluable Laws of Growth-John Maxwell
Photo by skoeber

The Law of Consistency

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Use the ironman and the Gorucks. I didn't train too much but I knew I needed to be on my feet and my traps. I wanted the outcome to HURT LESS>

Link to Video: https://youtu.be/ft_DXwgUXB0

Motivation Keeps You Going-Discipline Keeps You Growing

-Jim Tressel

Use the ironman and the Gorucks. I didn't train too much but I knew I needed to be on my feet and my traps. I wanted the outcome to HURT LESS>
Photo by Clique Images

What are you some good habits you've created?

Discipline helps the outcome hurt less.


What do I need to improve?

Photo by Oberazzi

Bad Habits That Create Inconsistency

  • Too much time on social media
  • Not having a bed time or wake up time
  • Not having a schedule. Winging
  • Letting people run your schedule
  • Lack of discipline for food or other vices
  • The company you keep

Bad Habits That Create Inconsistency

  • Too much time on social media
  • Not having a bed time or wake up time
  • Not having a schedule. Winging it
  • Letting people run your schedule
  • Lack of discipline with food or other vices
  • The company you keep. People in your life
  • Not prioritizing your business
  • Not prioritizing self-care.

Pain Vs. Pleasure

Goals vs. Growth


The Law Of Environment

Photo by Dawid Zawiła

You are a product of your environment. Surround yourself with the best...even when you are not exactly ready.

Photo by m-s-y

Steps to changing your environment

  • Assess
  • Change yourself & your environment
  • Change who you spend time with
  • Change yourself in your new environment
  • Focus on the moment
  • Move forward despite criticism
Photo by m-s-y


  • Is working in your environment? Not working?
  • Who is working in your environment? Not working?
  • Most influential person
Photo by Edwin Andrade


  • Watch Will Smith Video : Choose self love.
  • Watch Monk-like Discipline: Choose 1-3 distractions you can eliminate to create more consistency.
  • Choose the most important "personal growth" activity that you need to work & create a plan. (post in group)
  • Environment
Photo by Edwin Andrade


Photo by m-s-y

How to work with me...

  • DiSC Test & Coaching Session with 90 Day Plan
  • 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth Mastermind (next start date)

I'd rather regret the things I've done rather than regret the things things I haven't done. -Lucille Ball

Systems & Strategies

Photo by rahuldlucca

Do you have system for....

  • God & Health
  • Relationships
  • Personal Growth
  • Systems for Business: CRM, Lead Gen, Marketing, Follow-up, Videos, Professional Growth, Networking....
  • Time Off!! Reset Time
  • You Goals-Where are they?

The Law of Pain

Photo by Naomi August

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  • Embrace bad experiences
  • Make good changes after learning from bad experiences
  • Take responsibility for your life

Pain File

  • Pain of Disappointment
  • Pain of Conflict
  • Pain of Change
  • Pain of Hard Decisions
  • Pain of Bad Health-even mental health
  • Pain of Financial Loss
  • Pain of Responsibility

What is a bad experience you learned from?

Let your discomfort be a catalyst for your development.

Growth is the best possible outcome for any negative experience.

Photo by name_ gravity

Life is not the way it's suppose to be. It's the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes a difference.

-Virginia Satir

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The Law of The Ladder

Character Growth
Photo by fdecomite

I will...

  • Focus on being a better on the inside than on the outside
  • Follow the golden rule
  • Teach only what I believe
  • Value humility

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How do you react to pain?

  • Cry
  • Lash out
  • Retreat
  • Get depressed
  • Anxious
  • Denial

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