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lewis & Clark

by: shannon and autumn
Photo by andyarthur

personal info

  • Tomas Jefferson gave the journey to lewis and clark
  • clark was born on Aug,1,1770 in Caroline country which is in virginia
  • traveled 8,000 in 3 years in the expoditoin
Photo by dbnunley

what they did

  • "Lewis was an explor who with William Clark lead the Lewis and Clark expedition through the uncharted america interior to the pisific northwest in 1804-1806 he later served as a governor of the upper Louisana territory" from history.com

why he was a great leadrer

  • he helped explore america
  • he helped bring people curiosity, hope, and dermination
  • he helped free people from the British rule and helped imagrants
Photo by Kol Tregaskes

annotated bibliography

the end