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Published on Nov 20, 2015

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Creative Commons

What is it, and how does it relate to us?
Photo by Kalexanderson

What is Creative Commons?

  • Creative Commons is an organization that can help you personalize any copyrights you have on your creative material (pictures, writing, music, video, etc.)
  • Creative commons allows you to share your materials with others freely while also making sure that those who are looking to profit from your work cannot.
Photo by Klardrommar

Creative Commons in Relation to Copyright

  • Creative Commons and copyrights go hand in hand. They are used together to make your creating and sharing experience more enjoyable and profitable.
  • Creative Commons gives you the ability to create stipulations for the use of any material that you have copyrighted.

Creative Commons and Fair Use

  • While the ideas of Creative Commons and Fair Use are similar, they differ in one major way.
  • Fair Use means that a copyrighted material can be used freely as long as it is for educational purposes.
Photo by Giuli-O

Creative Commons and Fair Use (Cont.)

  • Creative Commons gives the you the opportunity to let anyone you choose use your media as well as set up conditions as to how your media can be used. Therefore, if people wanted to use your content for purposes other than for education, you could use Creative Commons to give them access without copyright infringement.
Photo by ppfcbs