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My name: Kayla Nickle
Where Im From: Lenexa, KS
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Visual Literacy Challenge- Kayla Nickle

Published on Sep 02, 2021

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Kayla Nickle

Lenexa, KS 
My name: Kayla Nickle
Where Im From: Lenexa, KS
Photo by Gabriel


If you didn’t have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time?

- I would get a book or a cross-stitch and hammock in my backyard or in a park with my friends and my dog.
Photo by rcarver


What is something that a ton of people are obsessed with, but you just don’t get the point of?

- Sledding, I don't understand you go up a steep hill 5-6 times to sled down it for 10-15 seconds and then repeat. You get tired by the 3rd-4th time going up and then power through the rest so I dont understand.
Photo by pigstubs


What is the first thing you usually notice about someone the first time you meet them?

- I always look at the eyes for basic communication skills but the eyes say so much about what a person is going through. Also did this before COVID but the eyes are all we see in todays day because of masks and things.
Photo by lizzerW


*If animals could talk, which one would you most want to converse with? What would you ask them?

I would ask:
- Do they prefer to be in water or on land?
- What makes your survival instincts kick on?
- Do crocodiles even bother you?
- Can we be best friends?
Photo by s9-4pr


What job would you be terrible at doing?

- Growing up my dad was a financial planner so I always listened to him but its a lot of math and big adult moves that I couldn't handle for other people
Photo by Adeolu Eletu