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hurricane matthew

Published on Jan 25, 2019

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hurricane matthew

made by xylear robertson

hurricane matthew

  • where did hurricane matthew form after a long and devastating passage across hati
  • hurricane matthew was formed in southeast mclellanville south carolina october 8
Photo by hdes.copeland

hurricane matthew

  • hurricane matthew was the first category 5
  • a hurricane wind scale is 1 to 5 rating based on a hurricanes sustained
  • sustained means that continuing for an extended period or without interruption.
Photo by Ryan Johns

hurricane matthew

  • hurricane hit these areas Florida , Venezuela,Cuba, Puerto rico, Dominican republic
Photo by Emi ♫

hurricane matthew

  • there was 603 fatalities
  • the highest speed was 168 mph

hurricane matthew

  • hurricane matthew had caused catastrophic damage and a humanitarian
  • catastrophic means involving or causing sudden great damage or suffering.
  • humanitarian means that concerned with or seeking to promote human welfare

hurricane matthew

  • As well as widespread devastation in the southeastern united states
  • widespread means found or distributed over a large area or number of people.

has hurricane matthew made a landfall

  • hurricane matthew striking the coast of georgia hurricane matthew was the most powerful storm in 2016 Atlantic Hurricane Season, and made its fourth and final landfall
  • landfall means that an arrival at land on a sea or air journey

how many buildings did hurricane matthew hit

  • nearly 900 people are known to have been killed by hurricane matthew in haiti with aid officials saying up to 90 percent of some areas have been destroyed

work cited

  • the website that have used for my project i used wikipedia for my research
Photo by jerryfletcher