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Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Photo by Shoshanah

Chanukah(Hanukkah) literally means "dedication" in the Hebrew language. It is one of the best known yet less important holidays(1). This celebrates the miracle of one days worth of oil lasting eight days following the Jews defeating Antiochus IV, a Jewish discriminator.(2)

Chanukah is celebrated on the 25th day of the Hebrew month Kislev and lasts eight days. On our calendar, this will occur December 16-24 in 2014.(3)


  • There is no specific dress or clothing for this holiday.
  • Ritual:Lighting one candle of the menorah each night using the shamash candle.
  • Ma’Oz Tzur (“Rock of Ages”), a Hanukkah song, traditionally is sung after the lighting of the candles each night
  • Common symbols of Hanukkah include the driedel, the menorah, amd the Jewish Star.
  • The only necessary item is the menorah for lighting candles.(4)

Food during Chanukah is predominantly fried to signify the importance of oil. Latkes(potato pancakes) are traditionally served.(5)

Photo by megan.chromik

Activities of the holiday include:
-gambling with the dreidel
-lighting the candles of the menorah each night
-giving gifts of money in the case of the recipient not having enough to buy a menorah(5)

Photo by skpy