EDLM 478: Session 7-9

Published on Jul 19, 2016

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Photo by mag3737

Ch. 7 Highlights

  • To support SW literacy, TL understand how Ss learn to read and how Ts teach reading
  • The Big 5 & Top 10
  • CCSS & Text Complexity
  • Reading promotion

Untitled Slide

Photo by Oberazzi

Symbaloo (purple tiles)

Photo by Crystl

Ch. 13 Highlights

  • TL & PL collaboration improves quality of school-library programs
  • Teaching Ss/Ts about proper use of technology & digital literacy is assumed resp. of TL
  • Soc. Media Tip = enforce GWC
Photo by Leo Reynolds

Untitled Slide

Photo by Oberazzi

Symbaloo (green tiles)

Ch. 12 Highlights

  • TL Self Eval = Loertscher's 2 ?s
  • Aim of prog. eval = show the right/wrong & show impact on Ss learning
  • Lack of eval. metrics = opp. to create local standards
  • Quantitative v. Qualitative Metrics
  • 30-60-90 Day Goals, 360* Survey, Student Learning Goals/Assessment Data
  • Program Eval = Program Safeguard
Photo by Pirate Alice

Untitled Slide

Photo by Oberazzi

Symbaloo (gray tiles)
LT: Staff Inservice Assignment

Tool Review: Newsela, Twitter

Photo by Jitter Buffer

Colleen Henry

Haiku Deck Pro User