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Project Jackalope

Published on Apr 25, 2016

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Project Jackalope By: Emily Ecton

By Chelsey Reynolds, P3

You're being chased by government agents because of an experiment that your friend created and the only thing you can do is hide it away from them

Jeremy goes into his room to find his neighbors top secret experiment on his bed and doesn't know what to do and ends up getting chased by government DARPA agents

Photo by 7-how-7

Jeremy is an ordinary boy in 7th grade and was given the nickname igor by his mad scientist friend Professor Twitchett

The DARPA agent Mr. Jones and his men have been hunting after Jeremy and his friend Agatha the entire book and has chased them into the zoo also

Photo by metrixcreate

The theme is to help out your friends whenever you can and whenever you help they will help you too

Photo by Neal.

" First off I should apologize to Safety officer Webber. After eight straight years of Student Safety Days and Stranger Danger warning checklists, you'd think I'd be able to recognise a red flag when I saw one. But no, when confronted with an actual real life therat, I totally missed it"

The settings were mostly the apartment building that live in they also visited a zoo and a fancy hotel called the Grand Empyrean