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Things that you can do in christmas

Published on Dec 22, 2015

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Things that you can do in christmas

Made by: Montana Amauri Mathone
Photo by rishibando

Spend Time with love.

Photo by @YannGarPhoto

Watch a Christmas TV Show or Movie.

Remember to put Christ in Christmas.

Open One gift.

Photo by FutUndBeidl

Track Santa.

Photo by Ed Yourdon

Listen to Christmas music.

Leave sweets out for Santa.

Have Christmas Dinner.

Photo by Cliph

Give Gift to your love first.

Photo by Vincent_AF

Go to Bed early.

Photo by John-Morgan

Drive or walk to see fairy lights.

Photo by sebr

Go to Church.

Photo by marcp_dmoz

Bake cookies.

Photo by ginnerobot

Snuggle up by the fire with your slippers and blanket.

Photo by Aaron Jacobs

Eat finger food

Photo by cuisineetmets

Scream " Happy Birthday Louis Tomlinson.

And Have fun.

Photo by Teo. Gómez