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The Magic Box

Published on Feb 16, 2016

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The Magic Box

Photo by Knight725

I will put in my box

  • The heart of a fearless lion
  • A katana from the samurai of japan
  • The taste of a freshly picked rose red cherry

I will put in my box

  • The tusk of a herculean wooly mammoth
  • The call of a monstrous gorilla in the jungle night
  • A fruit of almighty power
Photo by jev55

I will put in my box

  • A scroll of wisdom
  • The lava from the highest volcano
  • The glistening universe of vast planets
Photo by rAmmoRRison

My box is fashioned from feathers of a griffin and diamonds and stone

with a light saber on the lid and flames in the corners.

its hinges are made of the bones of the bones of a centaur king

Photo by @lattefarsan

A pterodactyl will pick me up and fly me to an island that has four seasons in one day and extinct animals and extinct plants where I will make a home inside a cave and play with all the extinct animals.

Photo by Alison T30