May 17, 1954
The United States Supreme Court rules that public school segregation is unconstitutional.
August 1954
NAACP petitioned for immediate of little rock schools
IN 1955
Little rock schools adopt a gradual integration plan called the Blossom Plan
In 1956
The NAACP filed a suit on the behalf of 33 black students who were denied admittance to white schools in Aaron V. Cooper
August 1957
Governor of Georgia travels to Arkansas to help support segregation and continued resistance of the federal government.
September 2, 1957
Governor Faubus ordered Arkansas national guard to prevent black students from attending High School.
September 3, 1957
White members of the community come together at the High school to sing "Dixie", wave the confederate flag, and praise Governor Faubus.
September 23, 1957
After facing a crowd of 1000 white protesters, nine black students entered the Highschool.
September 25, 1957
The students were escorted to the high school again and the general reassured students that they had nothing to fear from his troops.
January 1957
School receives fire bomb threats and one of the nine black students had chili dumped on the during lunch. Violence was common against these black students and their sympathizers.