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Snow Leopard

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  • By Ańä
  • 3/15/16
  • Scientific name for the Snow Leopard is Panthera uncia.
Photo by dragaroo

It's habitat

  • Cold, windy, snowy.
  • Manly on high mountains to sight pray.
  • Rocky places.
Photo by Travis S.


  • Large paws for traveling on top of snow. Short front legs and long back legs for leaping amazing distances to navigate rocky terrain. A snow leopard can leap 30 feet , or up to 6 times their body length from a
Photo by hugovk


  • Retribution (revenge) killings of leopards by herders who have lost livestock. Loss of habitat and prey as larger herding operations and more livestock encroach on the habitat of both leopards and their prey. In addition, hunting of prey species detracts from the limited supply for leopards.
Photo by Peter Baer


  • Consumer(carnivore)
  • Habit, goat
  • Tertiary


  • They are predator and pray
  • Snow leopards primarily hunt wild sheep and goats.
  • There competition would be the herders.
  • No but birds eat the little parts of the snow leporders meal.


  • There eye sight helps the snow leopard see its prey. Their fur around the paw help the paws not get tore.

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