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Themes & motifs

Published on Sep 22, 2016

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Themes & motifs

Photo by arcticpenguin

fundamental recurrent idea explored in a text

Photo by repolona

Recurring element that contributes to the development of a theme

Photo by Micdes 2013

Appearances versus Reality

Lots of examples but consider also the role of mental images versus occular proof


Photo by arievergreen

Good vs evil

Race and prejudice

Othello as an outsider - est. from opening - held in suspicion because of his race

race sets him apart as does his experience

Iago's plan would not have been successful were it not for the race factor - adds to O's insecurity which I plays on


Othello's pride in his achievements as a soldier (I have done service quote)

Othello's pride is hurt by Desd - inflames his jealousy

Pride is cleverly targeted by Iago
Photo by paloetic

Order vs Chaos

Venice vs Cyprus

As O begins to abandon reason chaos takes over
Photo by DeeAshley


Cyprus - original dwelling place of Aphrodite, Greek goddess of love

Iago professes false love for C & R

Iago's mockery of love

D had true love of friendship w Cassio but is misinterpreted as love

Emilia shows true love to Desdemona

Cassio's love for O & D
Photo by Robby Ryke


Jealousy runs several plot lines

R's jealousy of D

I 'jealousy' of O's status & acceptance

O's jealousy of D & C - eclipses his reason and sends him to the point of no return

Bianca's jealousy

Only Desdemona & Cassio (true virtues of play) are not moved by jealousy
Photo by Thomas Hawk

Men and Women

Father & daughter
Husband and wife
women versus men in society
Photo by mag3737


  • Black and white imagery
  • Animal imagery
  • Secret conversations
  • Plant/natural imagery
  • Blindness and sight
  • Biblical allusions
  • Monsters/devils
Photo by AurelioZen