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  • People hunt it down for their fur
  • Populations became a problem because they have a taste for farm fare
  • There burrows caused erosion, distroyed marshlands
  • The marshes cant filter water
  • Reduced hunting abilitys
Photo by born1945

Effects on the ecosystem:
Marsh loss, muskrats, Wadingbirds and other creatures have been affected. Loss of plants reduces the population of invertibrates and food for birds (wadingbirds). "Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge" lost about 7,000 acres of Olney three-square bulrushes, which is a species of flowering plants, "common names chairmaker's bulrush and Olney's three-square bulrush." Nutria have been eating it since 1938. About 53% of marsh is considered unhealthy now.

Food web:
How Nutria has changed our ecological balance is not in a good way. Nutria basically destroys everything as in marsh lands food crops, sure there are somethings about Nutria that are good but not enough to where we can say that Nutria can help our ecological balance a lot. so overall we can say that Nutria has changed our ecological balance in a not so good way.

Photo by scott1346

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