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The Classroom as Makerspace

Published on Apr 12, 2016

Presentation on building maker mentality into classroom practice. Prepared for TCEA TECSIG spring 2016 meeting.


The Classroom as Makerspace

Randy Rodgers        @rrodgers
Photo by mulberrymint

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Photo by bebouchard

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Photo by Lynda Giddens

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Photo by LaurieJ

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Photo by Hindrik S

"The tool(s) used are a whole lot less important than what is produced and the intellectual processes employed."
--Stager & Martinez, Invent to Learn

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Photo by chaim zvi


Solution design

Ownership (pride)

"...a litmus test for me these days when I ask myself whether something is worth doing with students. I want to know, will this give students something they'll want to carry around in their wallet and show to other people? Will they own this knowledge in a way that makes them proud to show it off? What have they made or done today that gives them a story to tell -- to their friends, to their families, to the world?" Tanya Baker
Photo by hangdog



(not that one)
Photo by spacepleb


Photo by Lenny Flank


(more than STEAM)

(3) Geography. The student uses geographic tools to answer geographic questions. The student is expected to:
(B) pose and answer questions about geographic distributions and patterns for various world regions and countries shown on maps, graphs, charts, models, and databases;

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What about the stuff?!


Photo by sadmafioso
