The Battle of Bunker hill took place June 17 1775. It was won by the British who got a tactical advantage. Many women opened their homes to the wounded soldiers . The battle of Bunker Hill gave a lot of rebel men faith they could win this war because hundreds of British soldiers died. But the loyalists still won the Battle of Bunker hill . The British were led by general William Howe. The patriots were led up by colonel William Prescott. The hills could be found in Charlestown Massachusetts. It happened a little after the battles of Lexington and Concord.
What if the patriots won the Battle of Bunker hill and got the tactical advantage. The Battle of Bunker hill had a really magnificent part in the American Revolution. The Battle of Bunker impacted the Revolutionary war by the British winning and getting an advantage, the British soldiers were on the wrong hill, also because it took place during the war.
First, reason the battle of bunker hill impacted the American revolution is because the British won and got a tactical advantage. The website states that the Battle of Bunker hill only started because the British soldiers wanted a tactical advantage during the revolutionary war. I think the British wanted a tactical advantage because the figured out that the Patriots were stronger than they thought and were not going to give up until the loyalists give up and the Patriots win their freedom. Also the British felt like they lost because many of their men died. This impacted the patriots too because if the British were on the hill and they did not know they could shoot people and they would not see it coming.
Another, reason the Battle of Bunker hill affected the American revolution is because the British were supposed to be on bunker hill not Breed's hill. The website states that the soldiers were supposed to set up there stuff on bunker hill but they set up on Breeds hill the smaller one because it was closer to Boston. I think they fought on the breed's hill because it is smaller and they did not want to fight on the giant hill (bunker hill) because there could have been more people fighting and they did not want to fight against ten thousand rebels because they might have figured out that they were stronger than they thought before they started the revolutionary war.
Lastly, the Battle of Bunker hill affected the American Revolutionary War is because it took place during the war. According to the text Ducksters “the Battle of Bunker hill took place on June 17 1775 just after the start of the American Revolutionary War” Ducksters also stated that the British won but they paid the price because the lost hundreds of soldiers that made the colonists get more confident and many joined the war that was going on.I think this happens during the war because the British soldiers just wanted the hills to have a tactical advantage not just to have them to have more room. The way this impacted was because it was part of the revolutionary war not before or after it.
To wrap it up, the Battle of Bunker hill had a big impact in the Revolutionary war. The British won and got a tactical advantage, They were on the wrong hill the were ordered to be on, and because it took place during the war. Now I hope you are wondering what would happen if the battle of bunker hill was not a thing or the patriots won the battle of Bunker hill.